Friday, July 17, 2009

Finally! It's Happened!

There is a new AND WONDERFUL website that can now tell you what meats and other animmal products are treated humanely.

This is the miracle website:

This allows you to search stores, then types of animal products. It will give you a scale from good to better to best. The best choice is best. This means that the animal products are either Certified Humane, American Certified Humane, or Animal Welfare Approved. These three labels treat animal's lives humanely, and then their deaths humanely.

Forall you meat eaters out there! This is the perfect way to meet your need, AND THE ANIMALS NEEDS!

Check it out! ~xoxo~


Shugee @ Blue Heron Cottage said...

Hi Sweetie. Good post!
I checked it out and the only 'bests' I could find with the places we grocery shop is Trader Joes and Whole Foods.

Shugee @ Blue Heron Cottage said...

Very useful. You should post the sustainable seafood chart from The Monterey Bay Aquarium. Very useful also.

Unknown said...

I'm going to check out that site! Love you sis! Thanks for your new posts!!